Current Projects

Cella's Ceramics

Year: 2024

Description: Worked with a local Turkish moving company to help build their brand as a friendly local ceramics studio offering workshops and products. The business was seeking a way to publicly offer reservations to upcoming workshops and a way to communicate with their audience. The owner had a hand in customizing every aspect of the website and in the end we are both happy with the result

Tasks: Web design, SEO, UX/UI, Branding

Hosting Platform:


Egginn Izmir

Year: 2024

Description: I had the pleasure of developing the branding and online presence for a local restaurant. The owner followed my advice to hire a professional photographer for food and location images. The results were better than I could have imagined and made developing an eye-popping webpage so much simpler. The owner had a specific color code he wanted to match their other products and logos. 

Tasks: Web design, SEO, UX/UI, Branding

Hosting Platform:


Year: 2024

Description: Worked with a local Turkish moving company to help build their brand as a professsional moving service and streamline customer acquisition. The business prefers to receive reservations and communication via phone, so the phone numbers were emphasized all over the website. Animated banners, images and text give the website a premium feeling. Multilangual settings were created to accomodate the international commuinty in their service area. 

Tasks: Web design, SEO, UX/UI, Branding

Hosting Platform:


Year: 2023

Description: Worked with a local Turkish cafe with a growing board gaming community. Their website needed to serve as a events and news broadcast as well as provide user members the ability to hold and transfer store credits called "Meeple Points." Store credits could be used as prizes for events and redeemed for in-store goods.

Tasks: Web design, SEO, UX/UI

Hosting Platform:


EP Yachting

Year: 2023

Description: Worked with a Miami Yacht broker on the SEO & Marketing for his company EP Yachting.  The Miami yacht rental market is very densely populated and requires thorough SEO data to show up at all in Google searches. I corrected all SEO related tags, image alt text, descriptions and links. I also recognized broken headings and animation and corrected the issues for a clean and professional appearance. I also provided consulting on an increased digital footprint by updating Google Business/Maps as well as using tourist friendly sites like TripAdvisor. 

Tasks: Search engine optimization (SEO); update page descriptions, image alt text, tags and meta data to improve search results in Google. 

Hosting Platform:


BattleBear Mats

Year: 2023

Description: Worked with a hobby and gaming store on a project to launch a new product line for custom printing products. This new product launch was given a name and I provided branding, custom artwork for the page, web design and mocked up an example product which accomplishes the primary goal for this business. 

Tasks: Web design; Logo generation, graphic art design and Shopify administration. 

Hosting Platform:

Link: not available at this time

Year: 2023

Description: Currently working with the curator of an art gallery for the Izmir, Turkey Region. Her ties to the origin of NATO Izmir are fascinating and that is captured in her beautiful galleries. This project involved saving all the media from a broken page and starting a fresh page for the gallery. She required the website remain on WordPress for future maintenance and uniformity with her other pages. The main functionality that was required from this project were the images be interactive and high resolution. Each image can open to a larger, more clear version when clicked.

Tasks: data migration, page organization and consulting for web hosting services.

Hosting Platform:


Year: 2023

Description: Worked with a community leader in the Virginia Beach, Virginia area on a non-profit page for project coordination. This is a community gardening resource page that required a news broadcast (blog), community interaction (in-site chat), donation button and contact functionality. The main functionality of the page revolves around gathering and utilizing an email and contact list. Auto-generated emails will be sent out to the entire list as a triggered instance from creating "news broadcasts" in the blog or when an event is created. These broadcasts and the chat functions will build a sense of community among the patrons.

Tasks: Consulting on web hosting services, Web design, and media editing 

Hosting Platform:


Year: 2023

Description: Working to grow a catalogue of digital products such as printable banners, logos, posters and cards. The target audience is Dads or grown men with a dark sense of humor. The intent here is to broaden my skillset in Photoshop, content creation and product descriptions. While maintaining this page, it has helped me to better understand the inner-workings of Etsy as a seller and will aid me in providing information to future clients.

Tasks: Create very large high definition images which are printable at various sizes. Photoshop editing of graphics and fonts. Created a product description which is easy for non-computer savvy people to follow.

Hosting Platform:

Year: 2022

Description: Worked with a retiring veteran to create an e-commerce page for her homemade Soap and other useful products. I helped guide her to a suitable hosting platform, set up a few themes for the page and started an example product catalogue. The primary functionality of the page should be a concise sales funnel with descriptive titles and tags for organization. Highlighted and popular products are viewed on the homepage to get a zero-click engagement with customers and assist with quick checkout.

Tasks: Consulting for webhosting platform features and cost, website organization, generate page theme options and product catalogue templates.

Hosting Platform:


Moonlight Charm Bridal

Year: 2023

Description: Worked with an up-and-coming bridal company to build a webpage with built-in sales capability. The business intends to serve as an arbitrage for Custom-made Turkish gowns to American Customers. Meta-data on this project was key in order to reach the intended audience. I broadened my skills in logo creation as well video editing as seen in the video above. This video media was intended to be used on the home page as an attention grabber from prospective customers. 

Tasks: Consulting, Web design, Logo, branding, media editing and product catalog creation

Hosting Platform:

Link: Unavailable at this time

Year: 2020

Description: I own and operate a personal life blog with advice for men on several topics including: finance, relationships, parenting, investing and travel. The page started in 2020 as a creative outlet during the Covid-19 outbreak. I periodically add to the blog content with lessons learned and good advice I pick up along the way. The Modern Dad Life page is also an opportunity for me to practice web design concepts and content creation skills. I plan on continuing this project into the future as a repository of good information for my children, family and friends.

Tasks: Editor-In-Chief, content creation, page organization, and SEO

Hosting Platform:


Signed up for Dribble account and pursuing web design projects and clients as a freelancer.

Offering services as a consultant for small businesses and their web concerns

Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Working on growing a footprint of Affiliate Marketing partnerships with successful businesses